
With a partner. Alternating full rounds until each partner has completed 4 rounds

30 double unders
15 empty bar push press
9-12 calories

15 minute cap


Today’s workout will be completed with a partner. You and your partner will alternate full rounds of 30 double unders, 15 empty bar push presses, and 9-12 calories until each partner has completed 4 rounds. Your score is the time it takes to complete the 4 rounds each, or the amount of work completed before the 15 minute time cap if you do not finish,

The double unders should be about :20 or so. Scale to single unders if necessary.

The push press should be unbroken. Be sure to hit quality positions.

The calories should be about :30-:40 or less. Reduce the amout if necessary to stay within that time.

Strength Accessory

2-3 sets

A1) Arnold Press: 10-12 reps
A2) Cuban Rotations: 15-20 reps
–rest 30-60seconds between movements–

2-3 Sets:

B1) Alternating Hammer Curls: 12-16 reps
B2) 25 Prone Overhead Banded Tricep Extensions