
With a partner, for time

Alternating full rounds, 5 rounds each:
8-10 calories
8 single arm dumbbell shoulder to overhead(4 each arm)
8-10 calories
2 wall walks

60 burpee box jumpovers(OPWAAT)

30 minute cap


Today’s workout will be done with a partner and will start with 5 rounds each of 8-10 calories, 8 single arm dumbbell shoulder to overhead, another 8-10 calories, and 2 wall walks. Partners will alternate full rounds of this until each partner has completed 5 rounds. Once this is complete, teams will move on to 60 total burpee box jumpovers, to be completed with one person working at a time. Your score is the time it takes to complete all of the work, or the amount of work completed if you do not finish before the 30 minute time cap.

The calories should take no more than :30 per set. reduce the amount if necessary.

The shoulder to overhead can be with a relatively heavy weight as you are just doing 4 per side. You should still be able to do these unbroken each round with no hesitation though.

The wall walks should take no more than :30 to complete. Reduce the range of motion or amount of reps as necessary.

Each round should be completed in about 2 minutes or less. If this is not happening, reduce the calories or wall walks.

For the burpee box jump overs, pick a safe height box that you will not be at risk of failing on and will not hesitate to jump onto. Switch with your partner every 3-5 reps on these.