
With a partner, OPWAAT except the situps


4, 8, 12, 16… shuttle runs
40 Russian kettlebell swings
400-500m row
15 simultaneous abmat situps


Today’s workout is a 25 minute AMRAP to be performed with a a partner. The first round will consist of 4 shuttle runs, 40 russian kettlebell swings, 400-500m on the rower, and 15 synchronized abmat situps. Each round you will increase the amount of shuttle runs by 4, while the other movements will remain constant. Everything is to be completed OPWAAT except the synchro situps.

The shuttle runs should be completed at a pace of 8-10 per minute. If this is out of reach, consider starting with 4 reps and increasing by 2 each round.

The kettlebell swings should be completed 20 reps at a time. Use a moderate weight to stay unbroken throughout.

The row should be completed in 2:10 or less. reduce the distance if necessary.

Try to complete the situps in 1 set each round.  If it takes you any more than 2 sets, reduce the amount.