
teams of 3

800m run

200-250 calories*
wall walks
renegade rows per person
120m farmer carry after each round

800m run

25 minute cap


Today’s workout will be completed in teams of 3. You will start by running 800m together as a team. Upon returning you will work towards 200-250 calories on a single machine while also working through 15-12-9 wall walks and renegade rows (per person), with a 120m farmer’s carry after each round. After completing all of this you will finish with a final 800m run together as a team.

The runs shouldn’t take more than about 4:00. Reduce the distance if you are significantly slower than this.

The calories will be completed OPWAAT style while your team works on the wall walks, renegade rows, and farmer carries. Switch off the machine as often as necessary. Choosing an amount of time that each person spends on the machine would work. You could also divide up the reps of the other movements and switch off the machine when it is your turn to perform wall walks/rows/farmer carry.

If you finish the calories before the rest of the work, you are done on the machine and can focus all of your efforts on the other movements, or vice-versa.

The wall walks should be completed at a pace of roughly 5 per minute. Switch partners as often as necessary. 1-3 reps at a time before switching is a good strategy.

Each person will complete 15, 12, and 9 renegade rows. Choose a weight that allows you to get each round done in 1-2 sets. Each rep will be a single row from the pushup position. So 1 row on each arm would be 2 reps.

Use a heavy set of dumbbells or kettlbells for the farmer carry. You should complete 20-40m at a time before switching partners.