
With a partner, one person working at a time:

30 calories
40 alternating arm dumbbell snatch
10 wall walks

rest 3 minutes

30 calories
40 wall balls
20 burpee box jumpovers


Today’s workout will be two 12 minute AMRAPs done with a partner with one person working at a time. You will rest 3 minutes between AMRAPs. Your score is the combined amount of rounds and reps completed across the workout.

The first AMRAP will be 30 calories, 40 alternating arm dumbbell snatches, and 10 wall walks. The second AMRAP will be 30 calories, 40 wall balls, and 20 burpee box jump overs.

Your calories should not take longer than 2 minutes. Reduce the amount if necessary.

The dumbbell snatch and wall balls should be done in sets of 10-20 at a time before switching with your partner.

The wall walks and burpee box jumpovers should be done in smaller sets. maybe 3-5 at a time for the BBJO and 1-3 at a time for the wall walks.

Wall walks can be done with a reduced range of motion if necessary. Burpee box jumpovers should be done to a box that allows smooth and consistent movement with no fear of missing reps. You may step over your box if you aren’t confident jumping.