
Every 3:00 x 4 rounds

3-6 reps with :5-:10 chin over bar hold on last rep
strict chest to bar or strict pull up


5-8 reps of banded pull ups or ring rows with :05-:10 chin over bar hold immediately following

*perform 5-7 barbell rows + 10-15 hollow body banded lat pulldown immediately after each set.


6 minute amrap
1,2,3,4… devil press
2,4,6,8… db box step over
1,2,3,4… wall walk

rest 3 mins
for time, 5 min cap:

8, 6, 4, 2 renegade row
8, 6, 4, 2 bodyweight box stepover
8, 6, 4, 2 hand release pushup


Today’s workout starts with a 6 minute ascending ladder AMRAP that starts with 1 devil press, 2 dumbbell box stepovers, and 1 wall walks, and increases by 1,2,& 1 rep each successive round. So round two is 2 devil press, 4 stepovers, 2 wall walks. Round 3 is 3 devil press, 6 stepovers, and 3 wall walks. After completing as many rounds as possible in 6 minutes, you will rest for 3 minutes before completing a descending ladder of renegade rows, bodyweight box stepovers, and hand release pushups. You will start the descending ladder by doing the amount of reps you got to on the stepovers in the AMRAP, and then will decrease by 2 reps each round. So if you reached the round of 5 devil press, 10 db stepovers, and 5 wall walks on the AMRAP, you will start the descending ladder with 10 renegade rows, 10 bodyweight stepovers, and 10 hand release pushups. Then you will do 8 reps of each movement, followed by 6 reps of each, etc. Once you finish the round of 2 reps of each movement the workout is done. You have a 5 minute time cap to finish your descending ladder. You will be scored for the amount of rounds and reps on the AMRAP, as well as the time it takes to finish the descending ladder.

Choose a moderate weight set of dumbbells that allows you to do about 10 unbroken dumbbell box step overs. The other dumbbell movements should be unbroken throughout as well.

If you cannot do at least 6 hand release pushups without slowing down or breaking technique, do hand-elevated pushups without a hand release.