
Every 2:00 x 6 rounds

3-5 reps strict chest to bar or strict pull up
5-7 reps of banded pull ups or ring rows with

*:05-:10 chin over bar hold on last rep of each set
**perform 5-7 light barbell rows immediately after each set.


6 min AMRAP
12 alternating arm db hang clean and jerk
8 box stepovers w/ dumbbelll
20-24 calories

rest 3 min

For time, partitioned any way:
18 single arm devil press
24 box jump overs
34-42 calories

6 minute cap for part 2.


Today’s workout consists of two different parts. Part one a 6 minute AMRAP of 12 alternating arm dumbbell hang clean and jerks, 8 dumbbell box stepovers, and 20-24 calories. After completing this, you will rest for 3 minutes before completing part 2, which will be 18 single arm devil press, 24 box jump overs, and 36-42 calories. These reps can be partitioned however you would like, so you do not have to finish all of one movement before moving to the next. You will have two scores for this workout: the number of rounds and reps completed for part 1, and then the time it takes to complete part 2.

Choose a light dumbbell for this workout. The hang clean and jerks and the stepovers should be completed unbroken each round. The devil press shouldn’t take much more than about 2 minutes.

Choose a safe height for your box jumpovers that you are confident jumping to. These shouldn’t take much more than about :90.

You will have to push hard to finish the calories before the time cap. Find a hard pace that you can hold for a little over 2 minutes.