
Every :90 x 6 rounds

3 position power snatch (1, 2, 3) + OHS

pause for :01 in each position and in the receiving position on each rep. then pause for :03 in the bottom of the OHS


2:00 on/ 2:00 off x 3 rounds

AMRAP power clean and push jerks

slightly increase weight each round


Today’s workout is 3 rounds of 2 minutes of work with 2 minutes of rest in between each round. During each working interval you will do as many power clean & push jerks as possible. Your score is the total amount of reps completed across the workout.

The clean and jerks should be completed as quick singles. Aim to start the first round at a light-moderate weight and add 5-10lbs each round. At no point should you be at risk of failing reps.