Jump Cycle
1.Take 7 minutes to perform
Seated Box Jump
5 x 1.1.1
(1.1.1= resting 5-10 between each rep, aiming to have strong jumps)
5 min EMOM:
Broad Jump + Max Vertical Jump
5 x 1.1
“Witches Brew”
For time:
3 rounds:
30 double unders
9 Box Jumpovers
6 Kipping Chin over the Bar pull ups
–rest 1:00–
2 rounds:
30 double unders
12 burpees
8 chest to bar pull ups
–rest 1:00–
1 round:
30 double unders
15 burpee box jumpovers
12 bar muscle ups
Cap: 15 min
For the double unders, these should be unbroken, or done in less than 45 seconds. Perform 50 single unders if needed.
The pulling progression can be scaled with the following options:
9 Ring Rows –> 12 Foot Elevated Ring Rows -> 15 Toenail spotted Chest to bar pull ups
You can also individualize the pulling progression as you may need to. The pullups and chest-to-bar should be done in no more than 3 sets. The bar Muscle ups can be broken up as needed, or scaled down to either 12 or 9.