
Jump Cycle

Weighted Dumbell Jump
5 sets of 2

*Aim is to be slightly heavier Dbs than last week ago


(Take 3 minutes)
Depth drop + broad jump (practice)

Every: 30 x10
Depth Drop + Broad Jump (goal is max distance all jumps)


“U With Me?”

For Time, with a partner

400m run together
20 Sandbag cleans
40 box jump overs
60-hand release push-ups
400m run together

14:00 cap


For the run, aim to be done in around 2:00-2:30. Try your best to run with your partner, unless one partner is choosing a different scale.

The Sandbag Cleans should be a weight you can either trade off singles with your partner, or hold onto a few reps if you can.

The Box jump overs can be slightly bigger sets, holding 5-10 reps then switch. Step overs are also an option

The hand release should also be done in small sets. Go to a regular or elevated push up if needed.