
Power Clean Battery Work

Every :15 x 10 @ 60% of 1rm power clean

1 power clean

–rest 1:30–

X3 sets



For Time:

Burpee Box Jump Overs
Cals on machine

Cap: 9 min


Today’s workout is a descending rep scheme of BBJO, V-ups, and calories on a machine.

The burpee box jump overs should be a height that will allow you to move smoothly, without much rest. A step up/down is allowed on the burpee. You can also step over the box if needed.

The V-ups should be unbroken and push aggressively . Sub to a movement like bent knee V-ups or lemon squeezers to allow for fast reps. Lemon Squeezer ->

Pick a pace on the machines that is aggressive, but not pushing a redline until you get closer to the end of the workout.

Intention is to start out smooth and get faster as you go.

Goal: 6-8 minutes