
Strict press

Take 8 mins to find a 8 rep max

Take 50% of max weight and do 2 AMRAP sets
–rest about 2 mins between AMRAP sets–


For Time, with a partner:

80-100 Cal Row (Partner 1 rows while Partner 2 holds a plank)
60 Box Step ups (OPWAAT)
40 Pull ups (OPWAAT)
20 Hang Power Cleans (OPWAAT)
40-50 Cal Bike (Partner 1 bikes while Partner 2 holds a plank)

Cap: 19 min


Today’s workout is a partner workout of rowing, box step ups, pull ups, hang power cleans and biking. The entire workout is One partner working at a time, splitting the reps as you deem necessary. A stipulation is that on the row and bike, the non working partner must be holding a push up plank.

The rows should be broken up into 10-15 cals a piece. The step ups, can also be broken up in a similar fashion.

The pull ups should be something that can be broken up into manageable sets. Ideally 10s, but if you and your partner want to break up smaller in sets of 5, then you can, if it’s smaller then that, scale to a ring row.

The hang power cleans should be a mod. heavy weight. Something that may take two sets each, 5-7 reps/partner.

The bike should be whatever you have left.