
Every :90 x 8 rounds

A. Even rounds: 1-3 Wall Facing HSPU negative or Pike HSPU negative

B. Odd rounds: AMRAP minus 2* strict HSPU OR 4-7 modified handstand push up (knees on box, pike, pike on box)

*Last set can be full AMRAP


Every 3:00 x 5 rounds

50 Double Unders
10 Dual DB Shoulder to Overhead
8 burpees over db
6 db box stepovers to 20″ box (or less if scaling)

*For each round add 2 stepovers. If you don’t finish the reps in the round, drop back to 6 reps


Today’s workout is Every 3:00 for 5 rounds of: 50 Double unders, 10 STO, 8 Burpees over the dumbbells, and increasing Step-overs

The score will be the **average** of all 5 round times.

For the Double unders, we are looking for 30-45 seconds with a hard 1 min cap.

The Dual DB STO should be unbroken and done quickly.

The burpees can be jump or stepover the DB, looking to be done in about 30 seconds

The stepovers shuld take about 30 seconds for round 1. The goal is the same DB weight for the STO as the stepovers. Aim for a little lighter and hold onto to the larger sets of stepovers. The 20″ box will be used for males and females today, and scaling down from 20″ is also an option.