
Power Clean & Jerk (touch & go @ shoulder) x 3-4 working sets at last week’s top weight

rest :10 between reps. rest as needed between sets


Toes to bar
Wall Balls

12 minute cap


Today’s workout is 30-20-10 calories, toes to bar, and wall balls. Your score is the time it takes to complete the workout, or the amount of work completed in 12 minutes if you do not finish.

* If you cannot maintain at least 1100 calories per hour on your machine, reduce the calorie numbers to 24-16-8, or less. The rounds should be completed in about :90, :60, :30, or less, respectively.

The toes to bar should be completed in sets of at least 5 at a time with small breaks in between. Scale to hanging knee raises, straight leg raises, v-ups, or sit-ups if necessary. Try to pick a single variation that you can maintain for the entire workout.

Aim to be unbroken for at least the sets of 10 and 20 wall balls. Maybe break up the round of 30 into 2 sets if necessary.