
Bench Press

3-4 sets of 2-4 @ 21×1

Do 2-3 bodyweight Jefferson curls between sets


Build to a working weight and then perform all 3-4 sets at that weight. Aim to reach 8 reps on each set. If you are able to do that this week then you may go heavier next week.

Think about actively contracting your abs to pull yourself into a deeper position on the Jefferson curlĀ 



1 – 12-15 calories
2 – :40 sandbag hold
3 – 5 renegade rows ( L row + push up + R row + push up = 1)
4 – 50 double unders


The workout today is an EMOM of calories, sandbag holds, renegade rows, and double unders. You will complete each movement 4 times. Your score will be the weight of the sandbag + the weight of the dumbbells.

Calories should take no longer than :45 or so. You may decrease the calories to 10-12 if that pace sounds overly aggressive.

The sandbag hold should be moderately heavy, but something you can complete unbroken throughout the workout.

Choose light-moderate dumbbells for the renegade rows. One rep is a row with your left arm + push up + row with your right arm + push up. If you need to modify your push ups by elevating your hands, complete the rows in the plank position and then move to the elevated surface and complete two push ups.

Double unders should take no longer than :40. You may decrease the number of double unders or go to single unders.