
3 sets

6-8 strict chest to bar
:45 rest
10-12 strict chin over bar
:45 rest
12-14 banded chest to bar

2:30 between sets


If you are unable to perform these movements for the given rep range, consider scaling to:

3-5 banded chest to bar
6-8 banded chin over bar
8-10 heavier banded chest to bar.

If you cannot use bands to perform these movements for the given rep ranges, consider scaling to:

3-5 challenging ring rows (more horizontal body angle)
6-8 normal/moderately difficult ring rows (less horizontal body angle)
8-10 easier ring rows (more vertical body angle)


At 0:00
90 double unders
20-25 calories
20 chest to bar pull ups

At 7:00
20 chest to bar pull ups
20-25 calories
90 double unders

*6 min cap on each piece*


The workout today is two sets of double unders, calories, and chest to bar pull ups. The first set will go double unders, calories, and chest to bar pull ups. At 7:00, you will start the second piece and go in reverse order: pull ups, calories, and double unders. There is a 6 minute cap on each piece, which means you are guaranteed at least one minute of rest after the first round. Your score will be your time for the second round.

The double unders should take no longer than about 1:30. You may decrease the number of double unders, or subsitute single unders.

Calories should be completed in less than about 1:30. If that pace sounds overly aggressive, consider lowering the calories to 15-20.

Your chest to bar pull ups can be split up however you need. It’s okay to do smaller sets as long as your breaks are short. You may substitute chin over bar pull ups, banded pull up variations, or jumping pull up variations.