
With a partner, 3 rounds for time

60-75 calories
30 DB step overs
15 man makers (no shoulder to overhead)

*30 min time cap*


The workout today is a partner workout. You will complete three rounds of calories, dumbbell box step overs, and man makers opwaat (one person working at a time) style. Your score is the time it takes to complete all three rounds, or work completed at the 30 minute cap.

Calories should be completed at a pace of at least 12/minute. Choose a number within the range of calories that allows you to sustain this pace across all three rounds.

You will use the same weight for the stepovers and man makers. Both movements will be completed with two dumbbells. Choose your weight based on which movement will limit you the most (most likely the manmakers). Your step overs should be done in small sets, maybe 3-5 reps or so before switching.

Today, one manmaker will consist of the folllowing: one push up + one row (L arm) + one push up + one row (R arm) + squat clean. It is probably best to alternate with your partner every 1-2 reps.