
Handstand push up

3-4 sets of 3-5 reps at 31×1

*Do 6-8 challenging ring rows between sets


These should be done at a harder variation than last month. You can also perform slow negatives at a harder variation if that is necessary. For negatives do 1-2 reps at a time as slow as possible


For time

10 wall walks
50 DB box step ups
200 ft forward crawl
50 DB box step ups

*13 minute time cap*


The workout today is a chipper of wall walks, DB box step ups, and crawling. Your score will be the time it takes to complete the metcon, or work completed at the 13 minute time cap.

Wall walks should be completed in about two minutes or less. You may decrease the number of wall walks to 7 or 8, or modify the height of the wall walk.

The dumbbell box step ups will be completed with one dumbbell. It should be a light-moderate weight that allows you to complete both sets of step ups in no more than 3-4 sets. You may hold the dumbbell however you’d like.

The forward crawl should be completed in unbroken segments of 25 ft. Your breaks should be minimal in between segments.