Strength & Mobility

Tempo Front Squat

build to a heavy single with a :04 descent.
then do 2-3 singles at the same weight with no tempo

in between sets perform :10+ seconds of single arm hanging on each side


min 1: 10 wallballs
min 2: 15-20 calories
min 3: 40 second sandbag hold


Today’s workout is a 12 minute EMOM. Minute 1 is 10 wall balls. Minute 2 is 15-20 calories. Minute 3 is a :40 sandbag hold. You will cycle through these movements 4 times. Your score will be the combined load of the wall ball and sandbag.

Stay unbroken on the wall balls, though you can use a heavier ball than normal since it is only 10 reps.

The calories can take the whole minute if necessary. Reduce the amount if 15-20 is unrealistic in 1 minute.

Use a moderate to heavy weight on the sandbag.