
AMRAP 25, with a partner

100 calories
75 box step overs (body weight)
50 burpee box jump overs
25 synchro DB thrusters


The workout today will be done with a partner. All movements will be opwaat (one person working at a time) except the dumbbell thrusters, which will be synchro. Your score will be the rounds and reps completed in the twenty five minutes.

Calories should be done at a pace of at least 12-15/minute. If this pace sounds aggressive for you and you partner, consider decreasing the calories to 85.

Box step overs will be done with no extra weight. Consider switching reps with your partner every 8-12 reps or so.

Burpee box jump overs should be done at a pace of at least 10/minute or so. If this pace sounds overly ambitious for your team, consider lowering the reps to 40, or complete 50 regular burpees.

Your dumbbell thrusters with synchro with your partner. This means that you will both be locked out at the top of the rep at the same time, and be in the bottom of your squat at the same time. Choose a weight that allows you to complete the 25 thrusters in no more than 3 sets.