

Start: 1 mile
12 min: 800m
18 min: 400m
21 min: 200m
23 min: 100m
24 min: 50m


Skywalker is a classic test here at Solidarity, and today you get to show all the pacing work you’ve done! Your score is the cumulative time from all six running intervals.

At 0:00, you will run 1 mile, and then proceed with the other intervals at the designated times.

Try running your mile and 800 m close to your 400 m pace from week 1 of this cycle. You can push the pace of the remaining intervals.

If at least a 10-minute mile pace is not sustainable for you, considering adjusting the distances down to 1200m, 600m, 300m, 150m, 75m, and 50m to allow for more rest.