Cyclist Squat
3-4 working sets of 6-8 @ 31×1
Build to a working weight and then perform all 3-4 sets at that weight. Aim to reach 8 reps on each set. If you are able to do that this week then you may go heavier next week.
For time
50-60 calories
75 wall balls
50-60 calories
*14 minute cap*
The metcon today is two sets of calories with a chunk of wall balls in between. Your score will be the time it takes to complete the calories and wall balls, or work completed at the 14 minute time cap.
Your calories should take no longer than 4:00 (12-15 calories/minute). If this pace sounds aggressive for today, think about completing 45 calories instead.
Choose a wall ball weight that allows you to complete the wall balls in no more than 4-5 sets. Try to push with bigger sets or focus on quick breaks.