
Snatch Grip Push Jerk + OHS + Snatch Balance

Build to a heavy 1+1+1 for the day without missing. If there is time remaining you may use your top weight to hit a couple extra snatch balance singles.

*Pause for :02 in jerk receiving position, bottom of OHS, and bottom of snatch balance.


Make sure you [practice lowering the bar to your shoulders safely on every single set, even with the empty bar. This is essential to safely and confidently lowering the bar to your shoulders with heavier weights.


3 rounds for time

12 chest to bar pull ups
4 wall walks
12 hang DB squat cleans
12-16 calories

*15 minute time cap*


Today’s metcon is 3 rounds for time of chest to bar pull ups, wall walks, hang dumbbell squat cleans, and calories. Your score will be the time it takes to complete the three rounds or work completed at the 15 minute cap.

The chest to bar pull ups should be completed in no more than 3-4 sets. You may substitute chin over bar pull ups, banded pull up variations, or jumping pull up variations.

Wall walks should take no longer than about :45. You may modify the height of the wall walks if this pace sounds aggressive or decrease the reps to 3.

You will use two dumbbells for the hang squat cleans. Choose a light-moderate weight that allows you to complete these in 1-2 sets.

Calories should take no longer than about 1:00. You may decrease the reps to 10-12 if this pace sounds aggressive.