
Handstand push ups

Do 3 sets of 4-10 handstand push ups at a 20×1 tempo from a box or a pike position. If you reach the top of the rep range you may progress to a harder variation next week.

*:30 – :45 in straddle pancake between sets

Do 4 sets of 4-8 rope pull ups

Switch hand orientation each set.


Pick one handstand pushup variation for the day and stick with it for all 3 sets. If you reach the top of the rep range you may move to a harder variation next week. Do not start wall facing in week 1. Only progress to wall facing once you have successfully hit 3×10 from a box with 1 leg vertical.

The HSPU progression will be as follows:

Knees on mat or low bench —> knees on box —> pike —> pike on box —> pike on box with 1 leg vertical —> wall facing

If you are unable to get at least 4 reps on any of these variations then you may perform regular pushups or pushups to a box or bench.

If you cannot do 4-6 rope pull ups, you may do 2-3 rope lowers instead.


4 rounds for time

300 m run
5 wall walks
7 power cleans

*15 minute time cap*


The metcon today is four rounds of running, wall walks, and power cleans. Your score will be the time it takes to complete all four rounds, or work completed at the 15 minute time cap.

Your runs should take no longer than about 1:45. If this sounds like an unsustainable pace, consider lowering the distance to 200 m.

Wall walks should be completed in a minute or less. You may decrease the number of wall walks to 4 or modify the height of the wall walks.

Your power cleans should be heavy. Look to complete a rep every :06-:08.