Gabby’s Grand Finale
Teams of 3, AMRAP 30
80 burpee pull ups
30 modified manmakers (one push up + row + one push up + row + squat clean + lunge L + lunge R)
100 burpee box jump overs
180 toe to bar
64 devil press
125 dumbbell thrusters
*one person working on machine at all times, two other people on the chipper. Switch as needed
Today’s workout is in honor of Coach Gabby’s last day at Solidarity. It will be done in teams of 3. One person will be accumulating meters on a machine, while the other two team members work through the chipper. There will be two scores: number of meters completed and rounds and reps of the chipper.
Gabby started at Solidarity on 8/3/2013 (80 & 30) and her last day is 1/18/2024 (100 & 180). She has completed 64 Open and Quarterfinal workouts at Solidarity (to include doing them more than once), and has spent a total of 125 months at Solidarity CrossFit.
If you are unable to complete a burpee pull up, you may do a burpee then complete a jumping pull up.
Choose a height for the burpee box jump overs that you will not hesitate jumping on. Remember safety is the first priority. If ever in doubt, please step over the box.
Your dumbbell weight will be the same for all related movements. Choose a weight based on which movement will limit you the most, which will most likely be the manmaker. It should be a light-moderate weight.
Toe to bar can be modified with leg raises, knee raises, or V- ups or sit ups.
It is suggested you keep the burpee pull ups, manmakers, and devil press in small sets (1-3 reps) before switching with your partner. For burpee box jump overs, dumbbell thrusters, and toe to bar the sets could be 5-7 reps.