Teams of 2, 5 rounds for time
50 calories
20 power cleans
15 synchro high five burpees
*30 minute cap*
The team workout this Saturday will be done in teams of 2. Calories and power cleans will be done opwaat style (one person working at a time) and the burpees will be done synchro with your partner. Your score is the time it takes to complete all five rounds, or work completed at the 25 minute cap.
Calories should be completed at a pace of at least 12/minute. If this pace sounds overly aggressive for you and your partner, consider lowering the calories to 40-45.
The power clean weight can be moderate. You should switch with your partner every 1-3 reps.
You will synchronize your burpees by being on the ground at the same time and giving a high five with your teammate at the top. These burpees should not take any longer than about 1:30 or so. If this pace sounds unsustainable across 5 rounds, consider lowering the burpees to 12 or so.