Deep Pulling Cycle

1:30 AMRAP
–rest 2:00–
X2 rounds

choose one of the following movements and perform as many reps as possible in :90

-strict chest to bar pullups
-strict pull ups
-challenging ring rows


MOM 15

min 1- 10 DB bench press + 8 box jump step downs
min 2- 20 wall balls
min 3- 5-7 shuttle runs


Today’s workout is a 15 minute EMOM, meaning you will start a new round each minute for 15 minutes. Minute 1 will consist of 10 dumbbell bench presses and 8 box jumps. Minute 2 will be 20 wall balls. Minute 3 will be 5-7 shuttle runs. You will move through 5 total rounds of this.

The dumbbell bench press should be a light or moderate weight that allows you to remain unbroken throughout the entire workout.

Choose a safe height for your box jumps that you are confident jumping onto and will not hesitate one.

The wall balls should be unbroken throughout the workout.

The shuttle runs should take no more than :40 per round. Try to pick a number between 5-7 and stick with it and hold your same pace throughout the workout.