Strength & Mobility

3-4 rounds

dips x 6-8 reps @ 31×1 tempo
straddle pancake progression x 10 reps + :10 hold on last rep
dumbbell row x 8-10/side


2 pull ups, 2 push ups
1 wall walk

4 pull ups, 4 push ups
2 wall walks

6 pull ups, 6 push ups
3 wall walks

8 pull ups, 8 push ups,
4 wall walks

10 pull ups, 10 push ups
5 wall walks

*8-10 calories after each set of wall walks

10 minute cap


Today’s workout is 5 rounds of pushups, pull ups, wall walks, and calories. Round 1 will consist of 2 pull ups, 2 push ups, and 1 wall walk, followed by 8-10 calories. Each successive round will add another 2 pull ups, 2 push ups, and 1 wall walk until you have completed 10 push ups, 10 pull ups, and 5 wall walks. Each round will finish with 8-10 calories throughout the workout.

The pushups and pull ups should be completed in 1-2 sets each round. Elevate the hands as necessary on the push ups. For the pull ups, scaling to ring rows is acceptable. If the pull ups reps don’t seem challening, opt for strict pull ups, chest to bar pull ups, or strict chest to bar pull ups.

The wall walks should be completed at a pace of about 4-5/minute. Adjust the range of motion if necessary.

The calories shouldn’t take much more than :30 per round. Reduce the amount if you can’t maintain the pace.