Every 3:00 x 5
A. Bench Press
6-8 reps with :01 pause at chest, keeping around RPE 7
B. 20-30 sec hollow hold
15 min EMOM:
Min 1- 13-16 Cal Row
Min 2- max push press in :30
Min 3- 4-5 Sandbag box get over
Today’s Workout is an EMOM with an emphasis on max push press reps. It starts with a row, which should be done in about 50 seconds. This will allow for a quick transition to the push press. The push press should be a weight that is aiming to be done unbroken for the 30 seconds, or only 2 sets.
The sandbag get-over will be getting a sandbag up and over a box, and then jumping over the box, while being able to use any body part in contact with the box. The Ideal height here should be 30/24, with the option of also increasing to something like the jerk blocks at 40″