Strength & Mobility

2 rounds:

perform 1 rope climb with pauses + 1 without pauses


3 minute rope climb AMRAP

In between sets perform:
2 straddle Jefferson Curls with :10 descent
:10 – :30+ ring support hold
:10 – :30+ bottom of ring dip hold


Do not incorporate the pauses in the AMRAP minute. Be sure to maintain consistent technique even when removing the pauses.

Paused Rope Climb Technique:
1. jump to rope and pause for :03 hanging with straight arms
2. lift feet as high as possible, create foot lock and pause for :03
3. stand on lock and pause for :03
4. repeat cycle with pauses until you reach the top of the rope.
5. lower from the top by slightly loosening your foot lock and descending hand-under-hand



10 toes to bar
50ft crawl
10 push ups
50ft crawl
10 pull ups
50ft crawl


Today’s workout is a 10 minute AMRAP of 10 toes to bar, 10 pushups, and 10 pull ups, with a 50ft crawl after each movement. Your score is the amount of rounds and reps completed in 10 minutes.

The toes to bar, push ups, and pullups should be completed in 1-2 sets each round. You can scale toes to bar to knee raises, straight leg raises, v-ups, or situps. Elevate the hands as necessary for the push ups. Pull ups can be scaled to jumping pull ups or ring rows.

The crawls should be completed in 25ft unbroken segments.