
Back squat
Every 2:30 x 5 sets

3 reps

*rep 1 @ 21×1 tempo

aim for around 75-80% of your max, same weight across sets


“Running out of Time”

30 Power Snatches for time
EMOM, including minute 0, 6-8 toes to bar

Cap: 8:00


Today’s Workout will be 30 power snatches for time, with a buy in every minute including at 3.2.1.Go of 6-8 Toes to bar. These toes to bar should be unbroken or in 2 quick sets the entire time. Go for a hanging knee raise or V-up as scales.

The power snatch weight should be a weight that is steady singles. Stay on the bar, and aim to get done in or around 5-7 mins.