
Back squat
Every 2:30 x 5 sets

4 reps
reps 1+2 @ 22×1 tempo
reps 3 +4 @ full speed

Aim for around 65-70% of your max, same weight across sets


“Taylor Series”


All in 1 minute:
1 Front Squat
2 Push Press
3 pull ups

Each round, each movement increases by 1 rep
*If you cannot perform the movements in the given minute, stay at the same rep scheme for the next round.

Score: total amount of reps- Completing the full rep scheme equals 132 reps


In Minute 1 you will perform 1 front squat, 2 push presses, and 3 pullups. If you cannot perform pull ups, you can perform ring rows.

In minute 2, you will perform 2 FS, 3 PP, and 4 pull ups, so on and so forth.

Choose a weight that can allow for unbroken front squats, followed by a short break if needed, and then either an unbroken set or smart sets for the push press.