
With a partner.

Partner 1: round of DT
Partner 2: AMRAP Calories

after round of DT is complete, switch. Then rest 1 minute after partner 2 completes their round of DT. continue until both partners have completed 4 rounds of DT

16 minute cap

*Swap the order of who does what first.
**1 round of DT = 12 deadlifts, 9 hang power cleans, 6 push jerks


Our partner workout today is a mix of one partner completing a round of DT, while another partner completes max calories on a machine. There will be two scores in SugarWOD. Part A will be the time it takes to complete a total of 4 rounds each per partner, or the 16 minute time cap whichever comes first. Part B will be the total amount of calories accumulated.

Flow: Partner 1 will complete 1 round of DT while Partner two performs AMRAP cals. Switch when P1 has finished DT. Once P2 completes DT, both partners will rest 1 minute. This is one round. At the start of the next round, P2 picks back up on DT, and P1 completes AMRAP cals. Alternate until 4 total rounds have been completed, or the 16 min cap has been reached.

DT= 12 deadlifts, 9 hang power cleans, 6 push jerks. Use a weight you can perform either unbroken or in a “DT” Style – 11 deadlifts –> break–>1 deadlift + 8 HPC–> break –> 1 HPC into 6 push jerks

Accessory Work

2-3 sets
A) elevated pigeon x 1 min/side
B) hip airplane 3/side
C) banded good morning x 20