
Teams of 3:

In 6:00:

6 rope climbs buy in (OPWAAT)
21 dumbbell bench press (OPWAAT)
15 synchro highfive burpees

–rest 3 min–

In 6:00
200m seabag run buy in
21 synchro dumbbell snatch
15 hand release push up (OPWAAT)


Today’s workout will be done in teams of 3 and will consist of two 6-minute intervals separated by 3 minutes of rest. The interval starts with a buy in of 6 rope climbs, followed by as many rounds as possible of 21 dumbbell bench presses and 15 synchronized burpees in the time remaining. The second interval starts with a 200m seabag run, followed by as many rounds as possible of 21 synchronized dumbbell snatches and 15 hand release pushups in the time remaining. Your score is the sum total rounds and reps completed across both AMRAPs.

The rope climbs will be performed with 1 person working at a time. If you are not able to climb to the top of the rope you can just work the bottom half, or can substitute rope lowers or rope hang knee raises. 1-2 rope lowers = 1 rope climb, and 4-6 knee raises = 1 rope climb.

The bench press will be completed with one person working at a time (OPWAAT). This means each person will be doing just 7 reps at a time, so the weight can be moderate-heavy. These sets of 7 should be unbroken.

The burpees will be synchronized by all 3 teammates being on the ground together and in the air highfiving together.

For the seabag run, your team will share one seabag. Pass it amongst your teammates as necessary.

The dumbbell snatch will synchronize at the top of the movement. Try to get the 21 reps completed in 1 or maybe 2 sets per round. Use one of the dumbbells that you benched with.

The pushups will also be OPWAAT. If you cannot perform 5 hand release pushups at a time from the ground, elevate the hands.

Accessory Work

2-3 sets
A) elevated pigeon x 1 min/side
B) single leg crossbody KB RDL x 5-7/side

2-3 Sets:
A) hip airplane 3/side
B) banded good morning x 20