Snatch Work

Every :30 x 3 rounds
snatch x 1.1

rest 2 mins

Every :30 x 3 rounds
snatch x 1.1

rest 2 mins

Every :30 x 3 rounds
snatch x 1


3 mins:
50 double unders
25 ab mat sit up
clean & jerk
rest 1 minute

3 mins:
50 double unders
25 ab mat sit up
clean & jerk
rest 1 minute

4 mins:
50 double unders
25 ab mat sit up
clean & jerk


Today’s workout is 3 rounds of double unders, situps, and clean & jerks. The first two rounds will each be 3:00, starting with a 50 double under and 25 situp buy-in, followed by as many clean & jerks as possible in the remaining time. The third round is the exact same setup, but for 4:00 minutes instead of 3:00. You will rest for 1 minute in between rounds. Your score is the total amount of clean and jerks completed across the workout.

The double unders should be completed in :45 or less. Reduce the amount or scale to 75-100 single unders if necessary.

The abmat situps should be done in 1-2 quick sets. Reduce the reps if necessary.

The clean and jerks should be quick singles, not touch and go reps. Choose a moderate weight that allows you to complete a rep at least every :08-:10