Strength & Mobility

4-5 rounds

perform 1 rope climb with pauses + 1 without pauses.

In between sets perform:
2 straddle Jefferson Curls with :10 descent
:10 – :30 ring support hold
:10 – :30 bottom of ring dip hold


Each round perform 1 rep with the pauses detailed below, followed by 1 rep without pauses. Aim to hold the same technique on your second rep. Specifically, be sure you are hanging with straight arms all the way until it is time to stand on your foot lock. Try to get as much range of motion out of each foot lock+pull as possible.

Paused Rope Climb Technique:
1. jump to rope and pause for :03 hanging with straight arms
2. lift feet as high as possible, create foot lock and pause for :03
3. stand on lock and pause for :03
4. repeat cycle with pauses until you reach the top of the rope.
5. lower from the top by slightly loosening your foot lock and descending hand-under-hand


4 rounds:

In 2 Minutes:

12-15 calorie row
9 double db deadlifts
max burpee pull ups in remaining time

Rest 1 minute


Today’s workout if four 2-minute rounds of work with 1 minute of rest in between each round. Each round consists of 12-15 calories on the rower, 9 double dumbbell deadlifts, and then as many burpee pull ups as possible in the remaining time. Your score is the total amount of burpee pull ups completed across the entire workout.

The calories shouldn’t take more than about :45. Decrease the amount if necessary.

The deadlifts should be heavy but unbroken. Do not pick a weight that will take you more than 1 set for the 9 reps.

Choose a pull up bar that is out of our reach when standing beneath it with arms extended overhead. If you cannot perform traditional burpee pull ups, scale to a burpee followed by a jumping pullup from a box.