Strength & Mobility

perform 1 rope climb x 4-5 sets. Check workout notes for technique details.

In between sets perform:
2 straddle Jefferson Curls with :10 descent
:10 – :30 ring support hold


Rope Climb Technique:
1. jump to rope and pause for :03 hanging with straight arms
2. lift feet as high as possible, create foot lock and pause for :03
3. stand on lock and pause for :03
4. repeat cycle with pauses until you reach the top of the rope.
5. lower from the top by slightly loosening your foot lock and descending hand-under-hand


Every 4 minutes for 3 rounds:

100ft forward crawl
200-250m row
AMRAP 10 pushups, 10 v-ups

3 minute cap on each round


Today’s workout is three 3-minute rounds, with 1 minute of rest between rounds. Each round starts with a 100ft forward crawl, followed by 200-250m on the rower, and then as many rounds of 10 push ups and 10 v-ups as possible in the time remaining. Your score is the total amount of rounds completed across the entire workout.

Try to keep moving on the crawl so you don’t waste any time. Keep your back parallel with the ground and take small steps.

The row shouldn’t take much more than 1 minute. If necessary you can slightly reduce the target distance to keep it at 1 minute or less.

The push ups and v-ups should each be completed in 2 sets or less each round. So elevate the hands if necessary on the pushups to get sets of at least 5 at a time. V-ups can be scaled to single leg, or tuck ups if necessary to get sets of at least 5 at a time.