Strength & Mobility

3-4 sets

snatch grip RDL x 6-8 @31×1 tempo
push up x 5-8 x @ 31×1 tempo
cross bench sit ups @31×1 tempo


For the snatch grip RDL find a weight that allows you reach a full range of motion at the prescribed tempo while maintaining a neutral spine and tension on the hamstrings. Aim for the top end of the rep range.If you are able to get to 8 reps each set, go heavier next week. Since the rep range is lower, aim to go slightly heavier this week.

Choose a pushup variation that allows you to reach full range of motion at the prescried tempo and rep scheme. Some variations you can use from easier to harder are:

hands elevated —> pushup to ground —> pushup to parallettes —>pushup to parallettes with feet elevated —>ring push ups —-> weighted ring push ups

Since the rep range is lower this week, consider trying a slightly harder variation of push up.

If the cross bench sit ups present a new range of motion for you then start by doing reps with a limited range of motion and a spotter. Do sets of less than 10 reps, without reaching fatigue. Take note of how you feel for the next couple days. If you are not overly sore then consider gradually increasing range of motion next week.
If you are familiar with the full range of motion here but have not trained it recently, consider just doing a few full range of motion reps Not enough to reach abdominal fatigue. Take note of how you feel for the next couple of days. If you are not overly sore then consider gradually increasing volume next week (a couple extra reps/still shy of failure)
If you frequently train GHD sit ups you may perform sets of 10-15 ghd situps or cross bench sit ups at the prescribed tempo. Prioritize range of motion and control rather than volume.


21 15 9
pull ups

rest 2:00

21 15 9
toes to bar

14 minute cap


Today’s workout is 2 21-15-9 couplets with 2 minutes of rest in between. Your score is the amount of time to complete both couplets, or the amount of work done if you don’t finish before the 14 minute time cap. The first couplet is calories and pull ups. The second is calories and toes to bar.

The calories should be done at a pace of 15/minute or faster. If you cannot hold this pace, consider slightly reducing the amount of calories you do.

Choose variations of the bar movements that allow you to complete 5-7 reps at a time. For the pull ups you can substitute ring rows or jumping pull ups. For the toes to bar you can substitute straight leg raises or knee raises.