
2×800 (1:30 rest in between, goal is to stay consistent)

5:00 rest

400-200-100-50 (1:00 rest between, push the pace here)


The running workout today will be two 800s, with 1:30 rest in between. You will then rest 5 minutes and complete 400 m, 200 m, 100 m, and 50 m. You will rest one minute between these shorter sets.

The 800s should be around :03-:05 slower that your 400 m pace from week 1. For example, if your 400 m pace was 2:00 then your 800s should be completed in 4:06-4:10 (2:03-2:05 + 2:03-2:05). The goal is to stay consistent.

Try to push the pace on the shorter distances, but keep in mind you only have 1:00 rest between runs.