
3 sets

6-8 strict chest to bar
:45 rest
10-12 strict chin over bar
:45 rest
12-14 banded chest to bar

2:30 between sets


If you are unable to perform these movements for the given rep range, consider scaling to:

3-5 banded chest to bar
6-8 banded chin over bar
8-10 heavier banded chest to bar.

If you cannot use bands to perform these movements for the given rep ranges, consider scaling to:

3-5 challenging ring rows (more horizontal body angle)
6-8 normal/moderately difficult ring rows (less horizontal body angle)
8-10 easier ring rows (more vertical body angle)


For time

20-25 Calories
30 Goblet Hold Reverse Lunges
20 Toe to Bar
20 Goblet Hold Reverse Lunges
20 Pull Ups
20-25 Calories
10 Goblet Hold Reverse Lunges
10 Wall Walks

*14 Minute Cap*


The calories should be done at a pace of at least 12-15/minute. Reduce the amount if you cannot sustain that pace.

Pick a weight that allows you to complete sets of at least 10 lunges at a time.

Your toe to bar and pull ups should take no more than 3-4 quick sets each. Choose appropriate scaling options if necessary.

Your wall walks should take no more than 2-3 minutes.