
With a partner, alternating full rounds for 10 rounds each

8 ground to overhead
10 burpees over the bar
+accumulate calories on “rest”


The workout today will be done in teams of 2. You will have two scores: the time it takes to complete 10 rounds each of the ground to overhead and burpees and calories. One person will be working through a round of the GTOH and burpees while the other person will be accumulating calories.

The barbell weight should be light. The ground to overhead should be completed in one to two sets. Ground to overhead means you may do snatches or clean and jerks. Choose whichever movement is going to allow you to move at a sustainable pace.

Burpees over the bar should take no longer than about a minute. You may decrease the number of burpees to 7-8 or perform regular burpees versus burpees over the bar.

This workout is all about pacing. Strategize a sustainable pace on the rounds and try to keep your calorie pace at RPE 7.