
Bench Press: 3-4 sets of 4-6 reps @ 21X1 tempo

In between sets, perform 6 weighted straddle waves with a :10 hold in the bottom position on the last rep.


Perform all working sets at the same weight. Aim for 6 reps on each set. If you are able to achieve that this week, you may increase the weight next week. If you stop short of 6 reps on any working set repeat the same weight next week at try for sets of 6 across.

For the weighted straddle waves, athletes will sit high enough to start with a neutral spine, then fold the head down followed by the upper back one vertebrae at a time. Once you can’t get any lower you will extend back up one vertebrae at a time, with the goal of being able to regain a neutral spine in a lower position before raising back up to the top.



1 – 10 DB bench press
2 – 10 DB front squats
3 – 6 shuttle runs


Today’s workout is an EMOM of dumbbell push press, dumbbell front squats, and shuttle runs. You will complete 5 rounds of these movements.

You will use the same weight for the dumbbell bench and front squats, so the weight choice should be based on which movement will limit you the most (which is probably the bench). The weight should be moderately heavy. The goal is to go unbroken throughout the EMOM.

The shuttle runs should take no longer than :08/rep. If you think this sounds like an aggressive pace to hold across the workout, decrease the shuttle runs to 4-5.