
Frankenstein front squats

3-4 sets of 4-6 reps at 21X1

In between working sets:
chin up negatives with :05 descent x 3-5 reps
:10 exaggerated front rack hold x 3 reps


The Frankenstein front squat will force you into maintaining an upright posture throughout the range of motion to prevent the bar from rolling off the front of the shoulders. You will also not have an front rack mobility limitations holding you back.

Use a box under your feet for assistance if you need to on the chin up negatives.

Maintain a full grip on the front rack stretch and try to force the elbows up throughout the :10 while keeping your legs, glutes, and core engaged to prevent any compensations lower down the kinetic chain.



6 wall balls + 6-8 burpees to a target


The metcon today is an EMOM with wall balls and target burpees. You will complete the wall balls and burpees in the same minute.

Wall balls should be unbroken. If you’re comfortable with wall balls, you’re welcome to use a heavier weight than you normally would. Burpees should be completed in :25 or less. Choose from the rep range appropriately.

The goal of this workout is to stay at a steady, consistent pace throughout the rounds. By sacrificing some speed, you may not get that much rest at the end of each minute.