
Every 1:30 x 8

6-8 calories + 1-2 dynamic toe to bar drills or 5-10 unbroken toe to bar


If you cannot maintain sets of at least 5 unbroken toe to bar, opt for the dynamic toe to bar building drill instead.
For the dynamic toe to bar building drill, try to take 3-5 swings to build up to your highest foot position and then use the same amount of swings to work your way back down.

Try to pick an amount of toe to bar or the dynamic toe to bar drill that you can maintain across all of the sets. If you were here for last week’s toe to bar session try to do the same or more reps per round as you did then.

Calories should take no longer than :25-:30. The goal is to elevate your heart rate moderately before moving into the toe to bar. You should still be getting plenty of rest.


20-15-10-5 calories
8-6-4-2 sandbag cleans

8 min cap


The workout today is a sprint effort of calories and sandbag cleans.You will complete 20 calories followed by 8 sandbag cleans, then 15 calories and 6 sandbag cleans, 10 calories and 4 sandbag cleans, and finally 5 calories and 2 sandbag cleans. Your score is the time it takes to complete the workout or work completed at the time cap.

Calories should be done at a a pace of about 15/minute. If this sounds like an unsustainable pace, consider lowering the calories to 15-12-10-5.

Your sandbag weight should be moderate. You will bring the sandbag just to the top of your shoulder. The reps should be completed at a reasonably fast pace, and you should not take too long of a break in between reps.