
2-3 sets

a) Sandbag hold lunge x 6-8/side
b) Dumbbell bench x 10-12 @20×1

2-3 sets

c) Single arm suitcase deadlift x 6-8/side @ 21×1
d) Dumbbell pullovers x 10-12 @ 31×1


Maintain control and gently tap the back knee on the ground for your lunges. Do not collapse or crash your knee to the ground.

The single arm suitcase deadlift can be performed with a kettlebell. Be sure to keep a neutral posture and avoid letting the unilateral cause you to lose position or overcompensate. If you use a barbell, be sure you are gripping the bar in the middle to prevent it tilting or rotating.

For the dumbbell pullovers, start light and feel the stretch through the full range of motion. Once you are comfortable with the ROM you may take these heavy as you would any other strength exercise.



12-15 calories
10 dumbbell snatches
8 toe to bar


Today’s workout is an AMRAP of calories, dumbbell snatches, and toe to bar. Your score will be the rounds and reps completed in 10 minutes.

Calories should take no more than a minute or so. Decrease the number of calories to 10-12 if this sounds like an aggressive pace.

Your dumbbell should be heavy. You can break these up into 2 sets if necessary, but the weight should not be so heavy that you are doing singles.

Toe to bar should be done in 1-2 sets across the workout. You may substitute hanging knee raises, leg raises, or sit ups if you are unable to hang from the pull up bar.