
Teams of 3,

300 calories (one person on the machine at all times)

100 DB box step overs (one DB)
100 V-ups
100 DB goblet squats
100 SA Devil press


Today’s workout will be completed in teams of 3. One person will be on the machine at all times while the other two teammates are working through the chipper, opwaat (one person working at a time) style. If the calories are completed before the chipper, all three of you may work on the chipper opwaat style. If you complete the chipper before the calories, all three may move to the machine, opwaat style. Your score is the time it takes to complete the calories and chipper.

Calories should be done at a pace of around 12-15/minute. If this sounds like an unsustainable pace for your team, consider decreasing the calories to 250-270.

You will use the same weight for the entire workout. Teammates may use different weight dumbbells. Choose a weight that will allow you to complete the following rep ranges: 5-7 reps on the box step overs; 8-10 on the goblet squats; and 4-6 on the single arm devil press.

You may substitute single leg V-ups, tuck ups, or sit ups for the V-ups.