
Teams of 3
400 calories*

120 DB bench
100 DB squats
120 DB lunges
100 burpee box jump overs

*One person will be on the machine at all times, while the other two are working through the chipper


Today’s team workout will be done in teams of 3. One person will be on the machine while the other two people are working through the chipper, opwaat (one person working at a time) style. If the calories are completed before the chipper, the three of you may work on completing the chipper, opwaat style. If the chipper is completed before the calories, the three of you may go to the machine to complete the calories, opwaat style.

It is suggested that you switch every 12-15 calories. If the pace of about 12 calories/minute sounds overly aggressive, consider lowering the total number of calories to 350.

You will use the same dumbbell weights across the workout. Choose your weight based on the movement that will limit you the most, which is most likely the bench press.

Bench press should be completed 7-10 reps at a time before switching. You can use 7-10 as a guideline for the squats and lunges as well.

Burpee box jump overs should be completed 5-7 reps at a time before switching. Choose a height that you won’t hesitate on, but remember you can step on the box at any time.