
For time, teams of 3

Station 1: 450 calories
Station 2: 8 double KB DL + 50 ft farmer’s carry + 4 wall walks
Station 3: rest

*30 min cap*


The team workout today will be done in teams of 3. One partner will start on the machine, another partner will work through the kettlebell deadlifts, farmer’s carry, and wall walks, and the third partner will be resting. You will switch stations when your teammate has completed Station 2. The time cap is 30 minutes.

You may choose whatever machine you want for the calories. Consider lowering the target number of calories to 375-400 if you think your team’s average pace will be slower than about 15/minute.

Your kettlebells should be moderately heavy. The deadlifts should be unbroken along with the farmer’s carry.

Wall walks should be completed in less than a minute. You may decrease the number of wall walks to 2-3 or modify the height of the wall walk if this pace sounds too aggressive.