Teams of 3
Calories, and…
100 bar facing burpees
50 power cleans
50 synchro wall balls
800 m run
50 synchro wall balls
50 power cleans
100 bar facing burpees
*30 min cap*
The team workout today will be completed in teams of 3. Two people will be working on the chipper, opwaat style (except on the wall balls and run) while the third teammate is on a machine, accumulating calories. You may rotate at any time. You will have two scores for this workout: your time on the chipper and number of calories completed in the 30 minute time cap. If your team completes the chipper before the 30 minute cap, all three of you may accumulate calories, opwaat style.
You may rotate who is on the machine at any time. It is suggested you don’t keep the calorie sets too large, so as to maintain some kind of consistency on the machine. For example, consider switching every 12-15 calories.
Burpees should be completed at a pace of at least 12/minute. If this pace sounds aggressive for your team, consider decreasing the number of burpees to 80-85. Keep these sets small before switching with your partner.
Power clean weight should be moderate. You should switch every 1-3 reps with your teammate.
Wall balls will be completed in synchro which means the wall balls should hit the target at the same time and you will reach the bottom of your squat at the same time as your teammate. Choose a weight that will allow you to complete the 50 reps in no more than 3-4 sets.
The run will be completed by two teammates. Your third teammate will stay behind to accumulate calories. The run should take no longer than 4:30 or so. You may lower the run distance to 600 m if that pace does not sound reasonable.