
Every 1:30 x 6 rounds
1 snatch


You will have time to build to a working weight before the clock begins. Once the intervals start, you can either build up across your sets or repeat the same weight for multiple sets.

Focus on quality positions in the pull and vertical extension on the snatch.


For time

20 toe to bar
32-36 calories
20 DB thrusters
32-36 calories
20 toe to bar

11 min cap


Today’s workout is a pyramid chipper of toe to bar, calories, and dumbbell thrusters. Your score will be the time it takes to complete the workout, or the work completed at the 11 minute time cap.

Toe to bar should be completed in no more than 3-4 sets. You may substitute knee raises, leg raises or V-ups/sit ups if you’re unable to hang from the pull up bar.

Calories should be completed in about 2:15 or less. You may lower the number of calories to 28-32 if this pace sounds overly aggressive for today.

Your dumbbell thrusters should be completed in 1-2 sets. Choose a light-moderate weight.